

Flight Envy. Pretty ParkinCC BY-SA

Above the negativity, the naysayers, to make room for the wondrous

Above the noise, to a place of productive peace

Above the superficial, the shallow, to the real, the valuable

Above the fleeting, to the lasting

Above constraints, to the creative.

Every day is new. Rise. Reach.



Repeat: Rise.

Reflect: Rise is a verb. It’s an action, a choice. How might YOU rise and step forward in newness?

10 thoughts on “Rise

    • I will look for Michelle’s OLW – thanks. I noticed that the first Slice of Lifer this morning, Leigh Anne, also chose “rise.” There’s obviously such a great need these days to rise above many things! Here’s to being proactive and positive. Joy to you!


    • Lol – I was just told to check you out because we chose the same word! So did the first Slicer this morning (Leigh Anne). The word RISE is so full of power and hope. It’s also proactive. Funny how so many of us are on the same wavelength. Here’s to our rising this year! Thanks for reading & for your feedback.


  1. I wrote the first draft of my OLW intending for RISE to be my word, for many of the same reasons you write about. In the end, it didn’t quite fit, so I amended it to STRETCH. Wishing you a year ao success with your OLW.

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