Alight with expectancy

The following is an invented form of poetry called “Spirit’s Vessel(see It’s three stanzas of six lines, each line containing six syllables. Rhyming is “a plus.” It’s also an acrostic designed to convey faith: VESSEL OF YOUR… with a final six-letter word chosen by the poet. My final word: SPIRIT. I have entitled this piece “Alight with Expectancy” for two reasons: the title is a nod to “Awe(another acrostic). If you know about the One Little Word tradition, you know about choosing a guiding word for the new year. After the year that was 2020, I hadn’t planned on choosing a word for 2021…more on that later. Just know that “awe” chose me as soon as the calendar turned. Who doesn’t need awe? Reason #2 for the title : This photo. It sparked my desire to try the Spirit’s Vessel for the first time. Those candles, at a church Christmas Eve service, in the time of COVID… thank you to photographer Ann Sutton and to Margaret Simon for sharing it on “This Photo Wants to Be a Poem” at Reflections on the Teche.

Thanks also to the Poetry Friday gathering and to Ruth in Haiti for hosting the Round Up.

My first post of 2021: Alight with Expectancy

Votives cast haloed light
Eclipsing dark of night
Shadows flicker and play
Stained-glass luminants pray
Expectant, glistening
Lord, we are listening

Offering petition
From hearts of contrition
Your conduits, help us be
Of Your all-healing sea
Undulating with grace

Rippling out from this place

Salvation receiving
Penumbral believing
Illumination starts

Restoration of hearts
In holy candleglow
Touched by the Spirit—know

27 thoughts on “Alight with expectancy

  1. Wow, Fran, this is something else! Thanks for running with Margaret’s photo prompt and introducing me to a new form, too. Happy New Year! Ruth,

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was a tough form but it felt right for this attempt, and I so wanted to write to that beautiful photo. Your invitation to notebooking was so timely- a lot of “elbow grease” went into this! Thank you ❤️


  2. It’s an intriguing new form and you did rhyme, too, Fran, and with ease. You met the challenge with such soul and I bet that fabulous picture, helped, too. Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am glad if it “reads” with ease – tried to make it so. Sometimes lots of parameters make a thing sharp & other times, too constrained. I so love the photo. Happy 2021, Linda!


  3. Oh, goodness. I posted a reply…and then got a message saying that I could not comment. I’m trying again….but a remembered comment is never the same as the first. Apologies. I’m just loving this poem with a restful, meditative vibe. You really achieved the form with the added plus of rhyme. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I wonder what caused the comment glitch? It’s happened to me before, often enough that I have occasionally copied my comments on other blogs before posting, in case! I so know how hard they are to reconstruct! BUT – and nevertheless – I deeply appreciate these words & that you love this little prayer poem. Thank you for reading and re-commenting – this means much.


  4. So beautifully written. I am printing it for my journal. You’ve inspired me. I also will send this to Ann, the minister who posted the photo. Your poem helps my prayer this Sunday morning which I feel has been sore lacking these days.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Margaret, I knew the instant I saw this beautiful, beautiful photo that I wanted to write to it. “Holy” came to mind right away. I recalled having seen the Spirit’s Vessel form some time ago and thought – let me try. From the prayer candles to the form, I hoped it would speak of the desire to be a vessel of the Spirit. I would love to know what Ann thinks. Please tell her how much I love her photo. I love that you are going to print it for your journal. Thank you for sharing all of your amazing gifts and words. So meaningful to me.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, Fran! What a difficult form you have accomplished with grace, beauty, and awe (your word)! Awesome job! That photo is as amazing as your poem is. From these lines “Shadows flicker and play/Stained-glass luminants pray” I immediately saw the imagery in my head; it relaxed me and made me happy. With these lines “all-healing sea/Undulating with grace/Rippling out from this places” I see and hear the imagery of the wave-like movement, which to me is calming and comforting. With these lines “Illumination starts/
    Restoration of hearts/In holy candle glow” I see people & children from all over the world, including all the people who wrote on your blog & Margaret’s blog, who were affected by Covid-19 standing near the candles in the photo in addition to millions of more candles feeling healed and joy. Wow, your words are so powerful! I’m not even religious, but your poem resonated with me in ways I can’t even put into words. Thank you for sharing your prayer poem that has given your other commenters and me joy, light, and healing. You are such a gifted writer. This is another poem you should get published to share with a wider audience. Thank you, again for a gift of joy. Happy New and Healthy 2021 to your family and you. May it bring light, love and joy.

    PS I also wrote a poem on Margaret’s blog. I love her poems, photo prompts, and reading everyone’s poems. Have fun & joy with your students.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gail: Your response is always a gift. I am very moved by your words. That you can see all those beautiful connections is an immense spirit-lifter to me today. I will go back to Margaret’s post this evening – I recall now that I didn’t respond to others there and I need to do that. Thanks for these heartfelt wishes and know that I am wishing you much light, joy, health and awe in this new year also – along with more writing!


      • Thank you, Fran. I’m glad that my connections were a spirit-lifter and a gift for you. I’m so happy that I found the wonderful people in the Poetry Friday and children’s poetry communities because all of you have helped me to become a better writer and I love reading everyone’s poems! Yes, more writing to you, also. I love Margaret’s blog and especially her photo prompts that I look forward to. I love reading everyone’s poems and responses there, also. Did you see her Poetry Friday prompt? It’s a good one.


  6. This is a beautiful illumination of the heart, Fran. You nailed this complicated poetic format. You should add a note at the end of SJT so others can enjoy your writing that is full of awe. This is a spiritual, meditative, and reflective poem that offers much poetic goodness at the start of a new year. Happy New Year, Fran.

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