More birdspiration

Finch eggs in a nest
on my front door wreath
captivated me
to such a degree
that I failed to see
what was happening
outside the back door:
a bright flash of blue
disappearing in
the little bird church
-bluebird occupants
brought Easter eggs, too.

On my back deck, Easter afternoon: a male bluebird is either bringing food to his mate or helping to feed babies. He entered and exited multiple times; once I was sure he was flying off with a bright blue piece of eggshell. These are the first-ever occupants of the little bird church, which has just been sitting on the deck as decor. I’ve seen the female as well. So hoping to get photos of bluebird babies soon (I need a better camera…this was taken with my phone through the kitchen window and screen).

My soul rejoices in this proliferation of feathered life, that songbirds have chosen my home for their own.

How lovely is your dwelling place,
    O Lord of hosts!
My soul longs, yes, faints
    for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and flesh sing for joy
    to the living God.

 Even the sparrow finds a home,
    and the swallow a nest for herself,
    where she may lay her young,
at your altars, O Lord of hosts,
    my King and my God.

Psalm 84: 1-3

4 thoughts on “More birdspiration

    • I’d love to see the nest and bluebird babies but of course they’re hidden in the bird-church. I will, however, be watching for flight lessons – hoping to capture the sight in photos and words. Thank you for yours!

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  1. What a lovely bird-spiration indeed! You know, I grew up in Missouri with the bluebird as the state bird, and as a Campfire Girl I spend several years as a “bluebird” myself. Still, I never saw one until I lived in Virginia.

    Those guys…were not the nicest guys.

    I’m hoping that your new church-goers bring you joy and beauty!

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    • So cool about the bluebird symbol being tied to your home state and childhood, Lainie. Yikes to those birds not being the nicest-! I so wish I could see the nest and babies, hidden in my birdhouse-church. I’ll be watching for flight lessons. 🙂

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