Blitz poem: Signs of sun

This is my second attempt at writing a blitz poem. The first didn’t go so well. I think I am getting the hang of it. Will keep practicing to see what comes … of course my thoughts are colored by COVID-19.

Signs of Sun

Read a book
Read the signs
Signs of spring
Signs of the times
Times of trouble
Times of plenty
Plenty to eat
Plenty enough
Enough to go around
Enough for now
Now is the best time
Now who among you
You who are [not] gathered here
You are loved
Loved best of all
Loved more than words can say
Say it again
Say it like you mean it
It matters
It is your word
Word of the Lord
Word of encouragement
Encouragement is needed
Encouragement makes the world go round
Round and round we go
Round off
Off the wall
Off the chain
Chain letters
Chain unbroken
Unbroken horse
Unbroken spirit
Spirit of the moment
Spirit set free
Free from all harm
Free as a bird
Bird of paradise
Bird chatter beyond my window
Window of time
Window closing
Closing the day
Closing the book
Book of Life
Book it out of here
Here is where we are
Here comes the sun
Sun directly overhead
Sun in my eyes

5 thoughts on “Blitz poem: Signs of sun

  1. Now I understand how the last two lines work. This is fabulous flow from thought to though which is the whole point, I think. Great word choices, esp. enough, chain, book. I love it!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Right now I’ve got so many seeds planted and I need to make the time to tend them. Also trying to offer myself some grace in remembering that sometimes balance means that I can’t do everything. My brain knows, but my heart has other plans.


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