True or False poem

My friend Denise Krebs hosts VerseLove over on Ethical ELA today with a profound “true/false” list poem based on the work of Dean Young. By all means, read her poem and the prompt.

Here’s what I have, so far…

True or False?

  1. I am much older than I appear.
  2. Green is the color of ordinary time.
  3. Angels can sing.
  4. Stars can sing.
  5. Trees can sing.
  6. Just because it’s myth doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
  7. There’s a reason I use seven asterisks for section breaks.
  8. A seahorse holds the reins of your memory and emotions.
  9. Salt water heals all.
  10. Blood is thicker than water.
  11. Blood cries.
  12. I will live to see another solar eclipse.


Bonus points will be awarded for citing evidence in support your answer for #10.

Tip: Double check #3 before submission.


MDavis.D, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


with thanks to Two Writing Teachers for the Tuesday Slice of Life Story sharing

9 thoughts on “True or False poem

  1. Your poem left me thinking about truths and half truths as well as searching for Denise’s link and reading all the poems and links created by others. That was an hour ago. I guess this means your poem is powerful. Now I have to get going but I am smiling with a powerful format and so many thoughts for the day…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fran, those singing trees are a thing here on the Funny Farm. Let a little gale rise, and the chorus begins. They sing like a gospel choir, singing and swaying, getting more and more hallelujahs going before they settle back down. 

    Liked by 1 person

    • I believe those trees sing at the Funny Farm! Several verses of Scripture say that trees sing – like Psalm 96:12: ‘Let the field exult, and everything in it! Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy.”
      I know you will appreciate this paraphrase from The Message: “Let Wilderness turn cartwheels, Animals, come dance, Put every tree of the forest in the choir—” the very tree choir image you described!


  3. Fran, thank you, my dear! You say such nice things about others! Now, I’d love to know the reason you use 7 asterisks. (Although, I guess that line could be false; though you use 7 asterisks, maybe there is no reason. Because, after all, we don’t need a reason.)


  4. I like the mix of science and beliefs in this list! I think all are true (I know for certain many are true)…but my post-testing-day brain isn’t up for fact-checking this evening.

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